Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Who's wrong and who's wronged?

Inspired by the response to my first 10 tweets in the post below (wouldn't it be easier if they put the oldest post at the top of the page?  I dunno), I did another ten.  This time, my tweets were in response to an article that was written by a real life journalist (who does stuff like this, just not for free).  A week later he hasn't passed any comment.  Probably just busy...

2/10 @LukeEdwardsTele article is great example of partial/selective understanding of #mcfc 's current status and associated morality #ffp

3/10 He rightly states we won the lottery and jealousy of others is perfectly understandable. I'd have felt same if Everton, Villa etc. #mcfc #ffp

4/10 He's wrong when he says it's unfair on EVERYONE else.  The G14 agenda that created two-tier division is scandalously unfair #mcfc #ffp

5/10 They made success incredibly lucrative and cut the rest of us out.  Yet Luke wanted United, very much part of that, to beat City to title #mcfc #ffp

6/10 G14 clubs had top places stitched up forever till Mansour came along and they couldn't get FFP pushed through quickly enough to stop #mcfc #ffp

7/10 The established elite use emotive words like "fair", "organic", and even "doping" to create moral agenda.  Ultimate irony given #mcfc #ffp

8/10 ..it is them thru pressure on UEFA that have consigned the rest of English football to generations of mediocrity and dreams of finishing fifth #mcfc #ffp

9/10 I'm sure @LukeEdwardsTele is a perfectly good chap and we all enjoy seeing the mighty fall.  I'd suggest he tries to enjoy the… #mcfc #ffp

10/10 wailing and gnashing of teeth and desperate analysis of #mcfc 's accounts from the greedy fat cat clubs instead. #mcfc #ffp

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